Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Pain in the Neck

                Oversize handbags never seem to go out of style, but you don't get fashion points for the neck and shoulder pain that tends to accompany them. The fact of the mater is, the hold more, which causes them to weigh more, when causes more and more stress on your shoulders and neck. You can't make it go away completely, but if you are a big handbag kinda girl, here are a few tips on how to work out the kinks.

  1. Train yourself. Try to train yourself to switch the side you carry your bag on. Try switching every ten minutes or so to avoid causing one shoulder to much stress. Also be careful no to scrunch up the shoulder it's on. 
  2. When you put it down. Take a few minutes to stretch you shoulders or back when you rest and put down your bag. Say you are at a cafe and waiting for someone. Bend your head forward, right, left and back in careful, slow movements. Don't try to swivel it around like a doll. After all, you head isn't a ball and socket joint. 
  3.  If you start to feel. If you start to feel your neck and shoulders tense up you should "reset" them. You can do this by bringing you shoulders to your ears and holding this position tightly for three seconds. Than drop them, letting your arms hang loosely at you sides. This will help to relax your shoulders and especially your neck. 
  4. At the gym. When you are working out at the gym and you carry a large bag, add a few moves to strengthen you shoulders and back muscles. Lateral raises and pull-downs, push-ups and planks all can help. 

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