Thursday, September 6, 2012

Get Your House Party Ready

         When you throw a party whatever it is for, every girl wants her house to be ready. Usually this means getting it primped about one week before the party. You know you have to clean it but there are some often forgotten. Here's your To-Do list before your next dinner party.

1. Clean House. Obviously, you should vacuum, dust and tidy up. Your home should also smell fantastic. Just a quick hint, kitty litter does not smell good. So spritz your upholstery with linen spray. 
2. Hide the personal items. People do snoop. Put away anything that doesn't need to be found, girls. This step is especially important if your party is on the larger side. You can keep your eyes on 6-10 people but when the numbers get up there ,you can't keep every one in one room and people will wander off into your personal belongings.
3. Focus on the bathroom. Replace your regular towels with pretty cotton ones. i find that people don't want to mess up the pretty towels first. Also make sure you get the good toilet paper. I know it sounds crazy, but think about it. Some people don't like using 1-ply. 
4. Lighten up. Most dinner parties can be dark and mysterious. That's great if that is what you are going for, but if not feel free to open the curtains or turning up the lights a little. If it is a mysterious party, candles and floor lamps with 24-watt incandescent bulbs work great
5. Smell the flowers. If you have a big crystal vase for the dinning room, grab an armful of peonies. And consider putting a sing poppy in a bud vase and a cluster of hyacinths in the bathroom. 

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