Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Girly Girl GLOSSary

 I found the total girly girl GLOSSary! So if you have a girly girl friend or you are one, this guide may make it easier to translate. 
Abbreve = abbreviate/abbreviation
Appresh = appreciate
Barg = bargain
BT dubs = BTW = by the way
Combo = combination
Convo = conversation
Cra Cra= crazy
Deo = deodorant
Fakakta = messed UP (Yiddish)
Feh = ew/I'm not into it (Yiddish)
Ferosh = ferocious
Flexicographer = writer/compiler of a Fictionary
Gene = genius
Glamateur = amateur
Glamazing = amazing
Glambiance = ambiance
Glambidextrous = ambidextrous
Glambition = ambition
Glamerica = America
Glamily = family
Glamp = lamp
Glamper = hamper
Glamping = camping
Glamster = hamster
Glamsterdam = Amsterdam
Gorge = gorgeous
Hilar = hilarious
Hyster = hysterical
Interpretashe = interpretation
Lifestyle = life (in most instances)
Meh = so so/nothing spesh
Mo = moment
Mu = music
N'est-ce-pas = isn't that so? (French)
Obsesh = obsession
Perf = perfect
Phenom = phenomenal
Relashe = relationship
Ridic = ridiculous/ridiculously
Sesh = session
Spesh = special
Stu = stupid
Totes = totally

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